Leadership and Vision

     In order to be a competent and effective leader, one must understand the vision of the organization that it leads. According to the CETL framework, Professional Category 1: Leadership and Vision has three main components: leadership and vision, strategic planning, and ethics and policies.

Leadership and Vision

    In the subcategory for Professional Category 1, leadership and vision, I selected a technology plan that I created for a class titled, "Instructional Technology Leadership and Management". In this technology plan, I was tasked to analyze and evaluate potential problems concerning internet safety and security that would be addressed as an instructional technology professional for a school district. Some of the questions answered in the technology plan addressed issues of supporting student achievement, creating an effective and sound plan to address the issue of internet safety and security, and bolstering support to carry out the technology plan. This evidence relates to this subcategory by demonstrating my ability to analyze situations and determine the best course of action while considering all stakeholders involved in the process.

Strategic Planning

    For this subcategory, I selected the assignment "Strategic Leadership, Continuous Improvement, and School Goals Analysis" to best demonstrate the subcategory of strategic planning. As the name of the assignment implies, I was tasked to research my current school placement's continuous improvement plan. According to my research, there were three main categories considered for improvement in this school. These categories were goal setting, overall school improvement, and improved communication. While completing this assignment, I learned that a leader must strive to continuously improve in areas both set out by the district and personally seek continuous improvement as a leader. 

Ethics and Policies

    In the final subcategory, I selected an infographic that I created addressing the concept of adverse childhood experiences and how they affect students and behaviors in the classroom. I believe that this directly aligns with standard 3E, maintain the safety of staff and students, because so many students today suffer from adverse childhood experiences. These experiences can range from the death of a family member to more extreme experiences, such as homelessness or drug usage. Many students will experiences at least one or more of these experiences within their school career, however, the students that experience more of these adverse childhood experiences, along with several other factors can affect their behavior in the classroom and the supports that the school may have in place for them. By knowing and being aware of a student's home life and experiences, administrators can help coach teachers to become more trauma informed and know what supports they have available to protect themselves and their students.

    In conclusion, I believe that this program has encouraged me to an effective and caring leader for any program or organization that I may be chosen to be a leader for. I am thankful for the time and education that I have received as a part of this program and would hope that this program continues to inspire other leaders for many years to come. 


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