Creating an Instructional Learning Experience for Adults
When we think about all the different types of professional development that teachers are given, we usually see a consultant or “guru” hired to give a professional development on a specific area or subject. While this may seem beneficial, a caveat to this is that the presenter does not know our students or school like we do. Although they may give us some great tips and information, many principals don’t consider their teachers to be “experts”. I think we should empower our faculty to provide PDs for the school. Give the power back to the teachers. If a teacher seems really excited or knowledgeable about something, let them present on the subject. As a principal, this will save money (or you could pay the teacher!), and will embolden your staff to work and share together. In the future, I will DEFINITELY ask my faculty BEFORE I hire an outside consultant or speaker. First, I thought about the types of tr...